Mohito | Ljubljana-Rudnik | Supernova

Dare to be different, wear Mohito! Trendy clothes and fashion accessories for women with bold style.


Opening hours
Monday 09.00 - 21.00
Tuesday 09.00 - 21.00
Wednesday 09.00 - 21.00
Thursday 09.00 - 21.00
Friday 09.00 - 21.00
Saturday 08.00 - 21.00
Sunday Closed
Jurčkova cesta 223
1000 Ljubljana
Cash, Credit Card, Supernova Gift Card
Jurčkova cesta 223
1000 Ljubljana
Cash, Credit Card, Supernova Gift Card

Fashion for women who love to stand out. Simply Mohito!

Mohito is a fashion destination where outstanding style, quality and unique designs meet. The store at Supernova Ljubljana Rudnik shopping centre is the perfect place for fashion forward women, who love to impress with great style.

Dare to discover the latest fashion trends in a wide selection of modern clothing. Young and full of urban playful energy, the Mohito collection brings unique clothes for every day. From trendy jeans to T-shirts with bold prints and long oversized blazers, Mohito understands that fashion is more than just a word. It is a true experience. Find elegant dresses for special occasions, high-quality business attires, comfy sweaters for casual outings or trendy pants and skirts for your everyday styles. No matter the occasion, Mohito has always the right clothes and accessories to spice up your wardrobe – be it for work, a party or lazy free time.

Let your individuality shine with Mohito fashion accessories like elegant purses and bags, belts, scarves, hats and jewellery. It is always the right time to let your true colours out. Find them in the latest Mohito collection.

Mohito – women’s fashion with sophisticated taste

The fashion brand Mohito was created for trendsetters who love fashion and value non-conventional elegance. Mohito relates to free-spirited women, confident, sensual and in love with life!

The tastefully created collection of women’s clothing includes a palette of fashion items that embody fashion trends and masterfully create balance between always new styles and comfort. Mohito clothes are high-quality clothes and are made to be worn. Whether you are choosing Mohito fashion for special occasions or as your go-to style for casual everyday comfort, Mohito clothing lines are tailored to your life, with highly functional designs and top-quality materials.

The Mohito brand has over 200 stores across 18 European countries. The brand is an essential part of the LPP portfolio, which also includes popular fashion brands Reserved, Sinsay, House and Cropp.

Nova kolekcija
MOHITO: Modni kosi, ki vas bodo očarali to pomlad!
07. February 2025

S pomladjo na obzorju je čas, da osvežimo garderobo s kosi, ki združujejo ženstvenost, prefinjenost in pridih drznosti. MOHITO predstavlja novo kolekcijo, ki navdušuje z igro kontrastov, prepletanjem čutnih materialov in drznimi dodatki. 

Osrednji elementi kolekcije so oprijete čipkaste silhuete, ki izžarevajo eleganco in ženstvenost. Romantično čipko dopolnjujejo modni dodatki z rahlo edgy pridihom – torbice in balerinke s kovicami so pravi statement kosi, ki izražajo samozavest in sodoben stil. 

V prehodni sezoni kraljujejo maksi obleke in čipkasti kompleti, ki jih spremlja nepogrešljiv oversized trenčkot. Njegova sodobna, dekonstruirana različica je na voljo tudi v obliki bež kompleta, sestavljenega iz elegantnega telovnika in krila. Ta unikatna kombinacija združuje klasično ženstvenost z utilitarnim šikom. 

Barvna paleta kolekcije ostaja zvesta brezčasnim odtenkom – prefinjena kombinacija črne, bele in nežne bež barve ustvarja sofisticiran in večplasten videz. Ključni material, čipka, dodaja kolekciji romantično noto, medtem ko oprijeti kroji poudarjajo silhueto in ustvarjajo zapeljiv učinek. 

Med najopaznejšimi kosi kolekcije izstopajo črne maksi pletene obleke. Posebej vpadljiv model z razporkom na dnu pritegne pozornost s svojo subtilno drznostjo in nedvomno privlačnostjo. Dodatki igrajo ključno vlogo pri oblikovanju celostnega videza – balerinke prinašajo sproščeno eleganco, medtem ko klasične črne petke ustvarjajo prefinjen in samozavesten videz. 

Pomladna kolekcija MOHITO ponuja premišljeno zasnovan izbor vsestranskih kosov, ki brezhibno združujejo funkcionalnost in eleganco. 

Odkrijte jo zdaj na in v izbranih trgovinah ter vstopite v pomlad z neustavljivim stilom!